Getting Started

The Fritz!Box provides several protocols for external applications to interact with the router. FritzConnection makes use of the TR-064 protocol and the HTTP-Interface. Both APIs can be used on a single instance of FritzConnection side by side.

The documentation about all services and actions for the TR-064 protocol and also the available commands for the http-interface is available from the vendor AVM (see Further Reading).


To use the TR-064 interface of the Fritz!Box, the settings for Allow access for applications and Transmit status information over UPnP in the Home Network -> Network -> Network Settings menu have to be activated.

To access the http-interface the router must be configured with a user and a password.

Default IP-Address

To access the router in a local network, fritzconnection uses a default ip-address:


This ip-adress is a fallback-address common to every fritzbox-router and repeater, regardless of the individual configuration. If there are multiple devices in the local network, i.e. for building a Mesh, then it is necessary to provide the ip for the requested device, either at the command line with the option -i or the keyword-argument address for module usage. Otherwise it is not defined which device will respond.

Username and password

For some TR-064 operations and for all http-interface commands a username and/or a password is required. This can be given on the command line as parameters or, by using a module, as arguments. To not present these information in clear text or in the program code, username and password can get stored in the environment variables FRITZ_USERNAME and FRITZ_PASSWORD. If FritzConnection doesn’t get the username or password as arguments, then it will check for these environment variables and, if set, will use the corresponding values.

For Fritz!OS < 7.24 the username was optional. For newer versions an individual username is required. If a username is not provided, fritzconnection will try to find the username of the last logged in user from the Fritz!Box and will use this username (as AVM recommends for systems >= 7.24).

The TR-064 API

The TR-064 protocol uses the concept of services and actions. A service is a collection of actions for a given topic like WLAN-connections, registered hosts, phone calls, home-automation tasks and so on. An action can have optional arguments for sending and receiving data. The set of available services and actions may vary by router models and the installed Fritz!OS version.

Installing fritzconnection by pip will also install the command line tool fritzconnection to inspect the model-specific Fritz!Box TR-064 API. With the option -h this will show a help menu:

$ fritzconnection -h

usage: fritzconnection [-h] [-i [ADDRESS]] [--port [PORT]] [-u [USERNAME]]
                       [-p [PASSWORD]] [-e [ENCRYPT]] [-x] [-y]
                       [--cache-format [CACHE_FORMAT]]
                       [--cache-directory [CACHE_DIRECTORY]] [-r] [-R] [-s]
                       [-S SERVICEACTIONS] [-a SERVICEARGUMENTS]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i [ADDRESS], --ip-address [ADDRESS]
                        Specify ip-address of the FritzBox to connect to.
  --port [PORT]         Port of the FritzBox to connect to. Default: 49000
  -u [USERNAME], --username [USERNAME]
                        Fritzbox authentication username
  -p [PASSWORD], --password [PASSWORD]
                        Fritzbox authentication password
  -e [ENCRYPT], --encrypt [ENCRYPT]
                        Flag: use secure connection (TLS)
  -x, --use-cache       Flag: use api cache
                        (speed-up subsequent instanciations)
  -y, --suppress-cache-verification
                        Flag: suppress cache verification, implies -x
  --cache-format [CACHE_FORMAT]
                        cache-file format: json|pickle (default: pickle)
  --cache-directory [CACHE_DIRECTORY]
                        path to cache directory (default: ~.fritzconnection)
  -r, --reconnect       Reconnect and get a new ip
  -R, --reboot          Reboot the router
  -s, --services        List all available services
                        List actions for the given service: <service>
                        List arguments for the actions of a specified
                        List arguments for the given action of a specified
                        service: <service> <action>. Lists also direction
                        and data type of the arguments.
  -c [COMPLETE], --complete [COMPLETE]
                        List the complete api of the router


With the option -s all available services are listed. If there are multiple fritz-devices in the network, it is undefined which one will respond. In this case the router-ip must be given with the option -i. The number of listed services can vary depending on the router model:

$ fritzconnection -s -i

fritzconnection v1.10.0
FRITZ!Box 7590 at
FRITZ!OS: 7.29

Services starting with X_AVM are not covered by the TR-064 standard but AVM-specific extensions.

All service-names are ending with a numeric value. In case a service is listed more than once the numeric value allows to select a specific one. Most prominent example is the WLANConfiguration service for accessing the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands as well as the guest-network (given that the router-model provides these services).


Every service has a set of corresponding actions. The actions are listed by the flag -S with the servicename as parameter.

$ fritzconnection -i -S WANIPConnection1

fritzconnection v1.10.0
FRITZ!Box 7590 at
FRITZ!OS: 7.29

Servicename:        WANIPConnection1


Action can have optional Arguments. A list of all available actions with their corresponding arguments is reported by the flag -a with the servicename as parameter:

$ fritzconnection -i -a WANIPConnection1

This can return a lengthy output. So the arguments for a specific action of a given service can get listed with the option -A and the service- and actionname as arguments. For example the output for the service WANIPConnection1 and the action GetInfo will be:

$ fritzconnection -i -A WANIPConnection1 GetInfo

fritzconnection v1.10.0
FRITZ!Box 7590 at
FRITZ!OS: 7.29

Service:            WANIPConnection1
Action:             GetInfo

    Name                                  direction     data type

    NewEnable                                out ->     boolean
    NewConnectionStatus                      out ->     string
    NewPossibleConnectionTypes               out ->     string
    NewConnectionType                        out ->     string
    NewName                                  out ->     string
    NewUptime                                out ->     ui4
    NewLastConnectionError                   out ->     string
    NewRSIPAvailable                         out ->     boolean
    NewNATEnabled                            out ->     boolean
    NewExternalIPAddress                     out ->     string
    NewDNSServers                            out ->     string
    NewMACAddress                            out ->     string
    NewConnectionTrigger                     out ->     string
    NewRouteProtocolRx                       out ->     string
    NewDNSEnabled                            out ->     boolean
    NewDNSOverrideAllowed                    out ->     boolean

For every action all, arguments are listed with their name, direction and type. (Some arguments for other services may have the direction “in” for sending data to the router.)

The API of a FRITZ!Box depends on the model and the installed FritzOS version. To report the complete API of the router, the option -c can be used:

$ fritzconnection -i -c > api.txt

In the above example the output is redirected to the file api.txt, because the output will be really huge.

Module usage

FritzConnection works by calling actions on services and can send and receive arguments. A simple example is to reconnect the router with the provider to get a new external ip:

from fritzconnection import FritzConnection

fc = FritzConnection()
fc.call_action('WANIPConnection1', 'ForceTermination')

At first an instance of FritzConnection must be created. There can be a short delay doing this, because fritzconnection has to do a lot of communication with the router to get the router-specific API.


A FritzConnection instance can be reused for all further call_action calls without side-effects. For a single device an application needs just one instance. Because instanciation can be expensive (time consuming), having a single instance can save memory and speed up things.

The method call_action takes two required arguments: the service- and the action-name as strings. In case that a service is unknown (because of a typo or incompatible router model) fritzconnection will raise a FritzServiceError. If the service is known, but not the action, then a FritzActionError gets raised.

Let’s look at another example using an address “” for the action “GetInfo” on the service “WLANConfiguration” that requires a password:

from fritzconnection import FritzConnection

fc = FritzConnection(address="", password="the_password")
state = fc.call_action("WLANConfiguration1", "GetInfo")

Calling the service WLANConfiguration1 without giving a password (or providing a wrong one) will raise a FritzConnectionException. Inspecting the API works without a password, but most of the other API-calls require one.


Use environment variables to avoid hardcoding username and password.

In case that the servicename is given without a numeric extension (i.e ‘1’) fritzconnection adds the extension ‘1’ by default. So WLANConfiguration becomes WLANConfiguration1. The extension is required if there are multiple services with the same name. For backward compatibility servicenames like WLANConfiguration:1 are also accepted.

If call_action() provides a result, the method returns a dictionary: the keys are corresponding to the Argument name as given in the AVM-documentation and the values are the data provided from the router. In the above example state will be something like this:

{'NewAllowedCharsPSK': '0123456789ABCDEFabcdef',
 'NewAllowedCharsSSID': '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz '
 'NewBSSID': '98:9B:CB:2B:93:B3',
 'NewBasicAuthenticationMode': 'None',
 'NewBasicEncryptionModes': 'None',
 'NewBeaconType': '11i',
 'NewChannel': 6,
 'NewEnable': True,
 'NewMACAddressControlEnabled': False,
 'NewMaxBitRate': 'Auto',
 'NewMaxCharsPSK': 64,
 'NewMaxCharsSSID': 32,
 'NewMinCharsPSK': 64,
 'NewMinCharsSSID': 1,
 'NewSSID': 'the WLAN name',
 'NewStandard': 'n',
 'NewStatus': 'Up'}

This information provides a lot of details about the WLAN configuration. In this example the network is up and operating on channel 6. If the values are numeric or boolean, call_action() returns the matching Python datatype.

To activate or deactivate a network, the action SetEnable can get called. Inspection gives information about the required arguments:

$ fritzconnection -i -A WLANConfiguration1 SetEnable

fritzconnection v1.10.0
FRITZ!Box 7590 at
FRITZ!OS: 7.29

Service:            WLANConfiguration1
Action:             SetEnable

    Name                                  direction     data type

    NewEnable                             -> in         boolean

Here just one argument is listed for the in-direction. That means that this argument has to be send to the router. FritzConnection takes arguments as keyword-parameters for the call_action-method, where the keyword is set to the argument name (NewEnable in this case) :

from fritzconnection import FritzConnection

fc = FritzConnection(address='', password='the_password')
fc.call_action('WLANConfiguration1', 'SetEnable', NewEnable=False)

This call will deactivate the network (beware: don’t deactivate a wireless network by not having a backup cable connection). As there are no arguments listed for the out-direction, call_action will return an empty dictionary.

In some cases it can happen that there is a dash in an argument-name. Then this argument-name is not usable as a keyword-parameter. Therefore the call_action method also accepts a keyword-only argument with the name arguments that must be a dictionary with all input-parameters as key-value pairs (new in 1.0):

arguments = {'NewEnable': False}
fc.call_action('WLANConfiguration1', 'SetEnable', arguments=arguments)

If arguments is given, the values of all further keyword-parameters are ignored; you can use just one way to provide arguments.


Prior to version 1.3 booleans must be given as numeric values 1 and 0. Since version 1.3 True and False can get used.

Example: report the WLAN status

Let’s write a simple module using fritzconnection to report the WLAN status of a router:

from itertools import count

from fritzconnection import FritzConnection
from fritzconnection.core.exceptions import FritzServiceError

def get_wlan_status(fc):
    status = []
    action = 'GetInfo'
    for n in count(1):
        service = f'WLANConfiguration{n}'
            result = fc.call_action(service, action)
        except FritzServiceError:
        status.append((service, result))
    return status

def get_compact_wlan_status(fc):
    keys = ('NewSSID', 'NewChannel', 'NewStatus')
    return [
        (service, {key[3:]: status[key] for key in keys})
        for service, status in get_wlan_status(fc)

def main(address, password):
    fc = FritzConnection(address=address, password=password)
    for service, status in get_compact_wlan_status(fc):
        print(f'{service}: {status}')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    main(address='', password='the_password')

Depending on the settings this will give an output like this:

WLANConfiguration1: {'SSID': 'the_wlan_name', 'Channel': 6, 'Status': 'Up'}
WLANConfiguration2: {'SSID': 'the_wlan_name', 'Channel': 100, 'Status': 'Up'}
WLANConfiguration3: {'SSID': 'FRITZ!Box Gastzugang', 'Channel': 6, 'Status': 'Disabled'}

The modules in the fritzconnection library (modules in the lib-folder) can be used as code-examples of how to use fritzconnection.


This interface (also known as AHA-HTTP-Interface) allows to interact with smart-home devices. The functionality partly overlap with the TR-064 interface, which provides a better performance. The interface works by sending a command with optional arguments like an identifier (aka ain) as http-request and returns an http-response.

Commands are send by the method call_http(). The http-response from this request is converted to a dictionary with the keys content-type, encoding and content. The values are typical “text/plain” or “text/xml” as content-type, “utf-8” as encoding and a string as content that may need further processing. This dictionary gets returned from the call_http() method.

Here is an example that selects all devices which are switches and report the temperature from these devices (assuming that all switches have temperature sensors). At first create a FritzConnection instance that can get reused (user and password are read from the environment):

from fritzconnection.core.fritzconnection import FritzConnection
fc = FritzConnection(address="", use_cache=True)

Then implement the code using the http-interface to report all temperatures:

result = fc.call_http("getswitchlist")
switch_identifiers = result["content"].split(",")
for identifier in switch_identifiers:
    result = fc.call_http("gettemperature", identifier.strip())
    temperature = float(result["content"]) * 0.1

The command “getswitchlist” returns a dictionary as result. The content is a string with a comma separated list of identifiers from devices which are switches. Then for every device call_http() gets called with the arguments “gettemperature” as command and the corresponding identifier. The result again is a dictionary with the temperature as content.

The functionalities of the TR-064- and http-interface can overlap. Here is how to do the same as above by means of the TR-064 API:

from fritzconnection.lib.fritzhomeauto import FritzHomeAutomation

fh = FritzHomeAutomation(fc)
# create a list of HomeAutomationDevice instances:
devices = [d for d in fh.get_homeautomation_devices() if d.is_switchable]
for device in devices:
    temperatur = device.TemperatureCelsius * 0.1

This example makes use of the fritzhomeauto library-module providing the FritzHomeAutomation and HomeAutomationDevice classes.

At first the instance of FritzConnection gets reused to initialize the FritzHomeAutomation instance ‘fh’. On this instance the method get_homeautomation_devices() is called, returning a list of all homeautomation-devices known by the router, represented as HomeAutomationDevice-instances. On these instances the is_switchable property gets called to filter all devices which are switches. Then the example code iterates over the existing list of HomeAutomationDevice-instances to report the temperature that is already known by the instances and don’t need additional calls to the API.

Note: In general the TR-064 API is faster than the HTTP-API. Whether this is an issue depends on the application.

Combining the APIs

For home-automation tasks it can make sense to combine both interfaces. Let’s say that the temperature-history of all devices providing a temperature-sensor should get reported. The TR-064 API provides an efficient way to get all devices with energy-sensors and the http-interface provides a command to access the history-data. Again at first fc and fh are defined and can get reused later:

from fritzconnection.core.fritzconnection import FritzConnection
from fritzconnection.lib.fritzhomeauto import FritzHomeAutomation

fc = FritzConnection(address="", use_cache=True)
fh = FritzHomeAutomation(fc)

Then the devices are filtered by the property is_energy_sensor and are HomeAutomationDevice-instances. As the history of sensor-data is only provided by the http-interface the call_http() method is called with the appropriate command “getbasicdevicestats” and the “ain” of the device:

devices = [d for d in fh.get_homeautomation_devices() if d.is_energy_sensor]
for device in devices:
    # device.identifier provides the ain:
    response = fc.call_http("getbasicdevicestats", identifier=device.identifier)

The response is a dictionary with the content given as xml-data that needs further processing.

For this the HomeAutomationDevice class (defined in fritzconnection.lib.fritzhomeauto) already provides a method for xml-processing of the “getbasicdevicestats” xml-response:

devices = [d for d in fh.get_homeautomation_devices() if d.is_energy_sensor]
for device in devices:
    stats = device.get_basic_device_stats()
    temperatures = stats['temperature']['data']
    temperatures = list(map(lambda x: x * 0.1, temperatures))

The code is the same as before, but in the loop the method get_basic_device_stats() is called which returns a nested dictionary with the temperature data already extracted from the xml-data. The last line converts the temperatures from a sequence of strings to a list of floating point data (in ºC).

There is no restriction to use just call_action() or call_http(). On a single FritzConnection instance both methods can get combined to best fit the needs.


fritzconnection can raise several exceptions. For example using a service not provided by a specific router model will raise a FritzServiceError. This and all other errors are defined in fritzconnection.core.exceptions and can get imported from this module (i.e. the FritzServiceError):

from fritzconnection.core.exceptions import FritzServiceError

Exception Hierarchy:

                |--> ActionError --> FritzActionError
                |--> ServiceError --> FritzServiceError
                |--> FritzAuthorizationError
                |--> FritzResourceError
                |--> FritzArgumentError
                |       |
                |       |--> FritzArgumentValueError
                |               |
                |               |--> FritzArgumentStringToShortError
                |               |--> FritzArgumentStringToLongError
                |               |--> FritzArgumentCharacterError
                |--> FritzInternalError
                |       |
                |       |--> FritzActionFailedError
                |       |--> FritzOutOfMemoryError
                |--> FritzSecurityError
                |-->|--> FritzLookUpError
                |   |
KeyError -------+-->|
                |-->|--> FritzArrayIndexError
IndexError -------->|

All exceptions are inherited from FritzConnectionException. FritzServiceError and FritzActionError are superseding the older ServiceError and ActionError exceptions (still existing for backward compatibility). These exceptions are raised by calling unknown services and actions. All other exceptions are raised according to errors reported from the router (mirroring FritzOS errors). FritzLookUpError and FritzArrayIndexError are conceptually the same as Pythons KeyError or IndexError. Because of this they are also inherited from these Exceptions.


Stores the router api in an external file (new in 1.10). Loading the api-data from the router requires a lot of communication (many slow i/o) and can take up to several seconds. Reading the api-data from a single local file is much faster. The cache is activated by the use_cache argument:

fc = FritzConnection(address=, use_cache=True)

At first run the api gets loaded from the router and stored in a cache-file. On the next runs the api gets loaded from the cache-file. There is a separate cache-file for every ip-address, allowing to cache the api for mutiple devices.

With the argument cache_directory the location of the cache files can be specified. Default is the ~.fritzconnection folder in the user home-directory on systems providing this default location.


Default cache-format is pickle, which is compact, fast and can be considered safe as it is your own data. However, the json format is also supported. With the argument cache_format the format can set to json.

After loading the api from a cache-file, the data are verified to be still valid for the given router-model and the current installed software version. In case the cache is outdated, the api-data are reloaded from the router and the cache-file gets updated. The verifying step requires a request to the router, which can take some milliseconds. With the argument verify_cache=False verifying can turned off, loading the api even faster.


On deactivate verifying the cache data may be outdated if something has changed on the router side. (Simple solution: turn verifying on or delete the cache-file.) However, chances are that one didn’t mention it until strange things happen.


fritzconnection supports encrypted communication with Fritz!Box devices by providing the option use_tls (new in 1.2):

fc = FritzConnection(address=, password=<password>, use_tls=True)

The default setting for use_tls is False. For the command line tools encryption is provided by the flags -e or --encrypt. Encryption can be a useful option in a non-private LAN like a company-LAN.


  • Using TLS will slow down the communication with the router. Especially getting a new FritzConnection instance will take longer by setting use_tls=True. Hint: reuse instances.
  • Since the router uses a self-signed certificate, currently certificate-verification is disabled.
  • In case the client communicates with the router by WLAN and WPA is enabled, the communication is already encrypted.
  • In case the client communicates by VPN there is also no need to add an additional encryption layer.


Some arguments given to FritzConnection can be stored in the environment. This has the advantage that arguments like user and password don’t have to be provided as hardcoded arguments. The following environment variables are checked in case that a corresponding argument is missing:

  • FRITZ_USERNAME – the username
  • FRITZ_PASSWORD – the password
  • FRITZ_USECACHETrue or False (default: False)
  • FRITZ_CACHEFORMATjson or pickle (default: pickle)
  • FRITZ_CACHEDIRECTORY – the cache-directory path (default: ~.fritzconnection)

The default-values are used if neither an argument is given to fritzconnection() nor an environment-variable is defined.